
推薦景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō) 景點(diǎn)推薦用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)

1. 景點(diǎn)推薦用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)

scenic spot、tourist attractions、places of tourist attraction、 tourist spot、


For instance, if I was planning a trip and was researching hotels and tourist attractions at the same time, I could clip the hotel data into one book and store the touristy information in the other.

Furthermore, my sightseeing schedule was unaffected by hotel check-in and check-out times; I could carry my little bag to museums and tourist sites, and stash it in a locker when need be.In the scenic spots, it is common that even the uneducated people can make a living simply by selling souvenirs, local specialties and so on, which relieves the pressure of local government.Tourist attractions which pull in millions of foreign visitors.

Travel A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same.

2. 景點(diǎn)介紹用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)


。 Paris is France's political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame de Paris, known around the world, known as the Champs-Elysees Avenue, the world's most beautiful, its ground and underground traffic extending in all directions, very convenient, daily traffic reached 13 million people. Paris landmarks - the Eiffel Tower like a steel giant stands tall on the Seine River in the quiet.

3. 用英文推薦景點(diǎn)

  I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road.

  Its the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes.

  On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didnt forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday

4. 著(zhù)名景點(diǎn)用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)

萬(wàn)泉河 Wanquanhe (Beijing, China) 亞龍灣 Yalong Bay 天涯海角 [tiān yá hǎi jiǎo] remote places 蜈支洲島 Wuzhizhou Islands 大東海 Dadong Hal 鹿回頭 luhuitou fringing reef 火山口 [huǒ shān kǒu] crater

5. 景點(diǎn)推薦? ?英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)寫(xiě)

Daming Lake is a confluence of springs

Both Spring is the first spring in the world.

There are many Buddha statues on mountain Qianfo

6. 英文推薦景點(diǎn)

The Yellow Mountain (黃山

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountians in China.It lies in the south of the Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinses and foreigners pay a visit there. It's not far from here. It takes you get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of the clouds, wonderous pines and unique rocks aroud you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It's really a nice place to visit.

大意: 位于安徽南部,是中國著(zhù)名的旅游勝地.每年有大批的中國游客和外國游客前去觀(guān)光旅游.可以乘汽車(chē),也可以乘火車(chē)或飛機去.登山便可以領(lǐng)略云海,奇松,怪石等秀麗的風(fēng)景及其清晨美麗的日出.

7. 用英語(yǔ)推薦一個(gè)景點(diǎn)




威斯敏斯特教堂英國王室休息的地方,在基督教中是訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量最大的教堂。這是一個(gè)美麗的建筑,里面有很多墓和紀念碑,喝詩(shī)班的男童清清他們的喉嚨發(fā)出的音樂(lè )像是深入到你的脊髓。唱名表決的死者和榮幸,讓利己主義者和華麗的記念品都為之遜色。

8. 景點(diǎn)推薦用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)呢

The Yellow Mountain (黃山)

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountians in China.It lies in the south of the Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinses and foreigners pay a visit there. It's not far from here. It takes you get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of the clouds, wonderous pines and unique rocks aroud you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It's really a nice place to visit.

大意: 位于安徽省南部,是中國著(zhù)名的旅游勝地.每年有大批的中國游客和外國游客前去觀(guān)光旅游.可以乘汽車(chē),也可以乘火車(chē)或飛機去.登山便可以領(lǐng)略云海,奇松,怪石等秀麗的風(fēng)景及其清晨美麗的日出.

北海道景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹 北海道公園用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō) 用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)

1. 北海道公園用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)






I took the kids for a picnic in the park after school.



1、artificial park 人造公園

2、beautiful park 美麗的公園

3、industrial park 工業(yè)區

4、arge park 大公園

5、national park 國家公園

6、private park 私人公園

7、well-wooded park 樹(shù)木茂盛的公園

2. 北海公園英文

“我怎樣才能到達北海公園”的英語(yǔ)譯文及其回答:How can I get to the Beihai park ? Go along this road till the third cross ing. Then turn right and you can see the Beihai park on your left.

3. 北海道公園用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)讀





4. 北海公園英文怎么說(shuō)

銀灘 [網(wǎng)絡(luò )] Silver Beach; 例句:

It is the area which is closest to the silver beach and vast sea; 擁攬了海南清水灣最親近遼闊大海,最直接步入銀灘、海岸離海最近。

The early morning of Sanya Bay is so beautiful charming, palm also is unusualtall and straight, Wei-an, and the surrounding blue sky, blue sea, the SilverBeach of a charming screen. 清晨的三亞灣是那么的美麗迷人,椰樹(shù)也顯得異常的挺拔、偉岸,與周邊的藍天、碧海、銀灘組成一幅迷人畫(huà)面。

5. 北海道英文怎么寫(xiě)

Japanese,英 文單詞,發(fā)音音標[?d??p??ni?z]作為名詞1.n.日本人;日語(yǔ);2.形容詞adj.日本的;日本人的;日語(yǔ)的;日本文化。所以如果是哪個(gè)國家的,那就是日本的,日本英文拼寫(xiě)Japan,日本常見(jiàn)釋義,英文音標【d??'p?n】,名詞日本的意思。形容名詞日本用Japan,日本的形容詞用Japanese。

6. 北海公園用英文怎么說(shuō)

Silver Beach is situated south of Beihai City. It is famous for its long beach, white sand, clean water, soft waves, and unpolluted air. Silver Beach has natural attributes, including its length, abundant and gorgeous sunshine, fresh air, and clean water. 北海銀灘位于北海市南? ??,面臨浩瀚的盛大海,東西綿延24公里,以灘長(cháng)平、沙細白、序凈、浪柔軟、無(wú)鯊魚(yú)、無(wú)污染的特點(diǎn)著(zhù)稱(chēng)。

7. 北海道用英文怎么說(shuō)




8. 你去過(guò)北海公園嗎的英文

在英語(yǔ)表達中,表示世界上獨一無(wú)二的事物前,應該加上定冠詞t h e,我們也稱(chēng)它為特殊名詞。北海公園(the Beihai Park)和故宮(the Palace Musem)都是特定地點(diǎn) ,這個(gè)表達法當中的北海和故宮都是普通名詞,當變成專(zhuān)有名詞時(shí),其首字母大寫(xiě)整個(gè)表達前面加上定冠詞之指名專(zhuān)有屬性。

9. 北海道公園用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)寫(xiě)



首次開(kāi)牌或重新開(kāi)牌后,最先摸到并亮出兩張同色 3 者為首發(fā)牌人,稱(chēng)“亮 3 ”,(悶3時(shí),亮4)此后,亮出同花色 3 多者可取代前首發(fā)牌人,稱(chēng)“頂班”。獲得首發(fā)牌權稱(chēng)“上班”


( 一 ) 按照不論花色,點(diǎn)數為準的原則,發(fā)牌牌點(diǎn)大小依次為大虎、小虎 ( 統稱(chēng)“大花”、“小花”或“大王”、“小王”又或“大鬼”、“小鬼” ) 、 2( 統稱(chēng)“錢(qián)”或“兩”、“小兩” ) 、 A( 統稱(chēng)“帽子” 或“尖” 。 夠級 ) 、 K (統稱(chēng)“老 K ”)、 Q 、 J 、 10 、 9 、 .......4 、 3 , 3 最小。

( 二 ) 大虎、小虎、兩可以任意數量隨同任何牌一起發(fā)牌,稱(chēng)掛花、貼錢(qián),大虎掛任何牌時(shí),發(fā)牌均為死牌,對頭應無(wú)條件為之“扣牌”,小虎掛牌時(shí),須由大虎掛高于小虎所掛牌一點(diǎn)以上的牌方能滅之,且大虎不得少于小虎數量,兩貼牌時(shí),即失去原來(lái)的作用,視為該牌中的普通一員。

( 三 ) 所發(fā)(順)牌必須是同一點(diǎn)數,不同點(diǎn)數牌不可混合發(fā)出,虎、兩例外。

( 四 ) 發(fā)牌按照“循序漸進(jìn)”的辦法進(jìn)行,即除“燒牌”和夠級牌外,按反時(shí)針?lè )较蛑饌€(gè)進(jìn)行,不得越、搶。

( 五 ) 發(fā)牌按照“步步高”的原則進(jìn)行,即下家所發(fā)牌的點(diǎn)數必須高于“上家”牌的點(diǎn)數。

( 六 ) 發(fā)單張稱(chēng)之為“單修”或“單幽”或“單摘”。

夠級(ゴキ、goki)是一種由6個(gè)人用4副撲克進(jìn)行的一種高智能、強競爭性、特別強調戰斗隊配合的非常有趣、百玩不厭的撲克娛樂(lè )活動(dòng);被譽(yù)為日本跑得快。夠級起源于上世紀60年代的日本北海道,在北海道,每逢重大活動(dòng),如麻雀祭(麻將交流會(huì ))等,都舉辦一些群眾性夠級比賽活動(dòng),參加者多達萬(wàn)人。在中國有時(shí)又稱(chēng)"夠級"為"日式跑得快"



夠級起源于上世紀60年代的日本北海道,在英文中寫(xiě)做“Hokkaido goki”(北海道夠級)“夠級”就是“ゴキ”(goki)的是日語(yǔ)譯音。

夠級活動(dòng)上世紀六十年代后期發(fā)端于北海道,七? ??八十年代在本州島蔓延,而后自東向西、由亞洲向世界逐步擴展。



英國景點(diǎn)的英文怎么說(shuō) - 英國十大旅游景點(diǎn)用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō) 用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)

1. 英國十大旅游景點(diǎn)用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)


1、England 英 【???ɡl?nd】 美 【'i?ɡl?nd】

n. 英格蘭;英國;

2、Britain 英 【'br?t(?)n】 美 【'br?tn】

n. 英國;不列顛;

3、UK 聯(lián)合王國(United Kingdom) 【?ju: ?ke?; ?ju ke】

abbr. 聯(lián)合王國(United Kingdom)

n. 英國;


1.英格蘭(或據其拉丁名 Anglia 譯成英吉利;英國領(lǐng)土的主要部分,在大不列顛島南部中部;與蘇格蘭、威爾士一起構成大不列顛島,首都倫敦)


3.(泛指)英國 (=United Kingdom)


例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有一部分教育是在英國接受的。


=Great Britain


2.大不列顛(大不列顛及北愛(ài)爾蘭聯(lián)合王國的簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng))[參較 United Kingdom]

例句:Was it in 1948 that the Government took over the railways in Great Britain?



the INTERNET DOMAIN NAME for United Kingdom 英國

例句:But we have the same problem in UK. 而在我們英國,也有同樣的問(wèn)題。

2. 英國十大旅游景點(diǎn)用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)呢


3. 英國有很多著(zhù)名的景點(diǎn)用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)


buckingham 英 [?b?ki??m] 美 [?b?k???m, -?h?m]

palace 英[?p?l?s] 美[?p?l?s]


白金漢宮(Buckingham Palace)是英國君主位于倫敦的主要寢宮及辦公處。宮殿坐落在威斯敏斯特,是國家慶典和王室歡迎禮舉行場(chǎng)地之一,也是一處重要的旅游景點(diǎn)。

在英國歷史上的歡慶或危機時(shí)刻,白金漢宮也是一處重要的集會(huì )場(chǎng)所。1703-1705年,白金漢和諾曼比公爵約翰·謝菲爾德在此興建了一處大型鎮廳建筑“白金漢宮”,構成了今天的主體建筑。


1837年,維多利亞女王登基后,白金漢宮成為英王正式宮寢。19世紀末20世紀初,宮殿公共立面修建,形成? ?續至今白金漢宮形象。二戰期間,宮殿禮拜堂遭一枚德國炸彈襲擊而毀;在其址上建立的女王畫(huà)廊于1962年向公眾開(kāi)放,展示皇家收藏品。

現在的白金漢宮對外開(kāi)放參觀(guān),每天清晨都會(huì )進(jìn)行著(zhù)名的禁衛軍交接典禮,成為英國王室文化的一大景觀(guān)。

4. 英國的著(zhù)名景點(diǎn)有哪些用英文說(shuō)

"游覽一些名勝古跡"的英文: visited some places of interest

place 讀法 英 [plejs] 美 [ples]

1、n. 地方;住所;座位

2、vt. 放置;任命;寄予

3、vi. 名列前茅;取得名次


The discussion took place in a famous villa on the lake's shore.



1、second place 第二名,亞軍

2、take the place 代替

3、same place 老地方;同名點(diǎn)

4、right place 恰好地點(diǎn);正當的場(chǎng)所

5、all over the place 到處







1、establish place確立地位

2、fill place繼承職位

3、gain place獲得位置

4、give place to讓位給,由…繼續下去,被…代替,給…機會(huì )

5、give up place放棄位置

5. 英國有哪些著(zhù)名的景點(diǎn)用英語(yǔ)說(shuō)


廣場(chǎng)南端是倫敦傳統中心點(diǎn)查令十字,再往南是政府辦公區白廳,通向國會(huì )大廈,西南水師提督門(mén),背后是通往白金漢宮的儀仗道林蔭路。




西北角的“第四基座”一直空缺著(zhù)。倫敦市政府在此輪流置放一些現代雕塑作品。在百多年來(lái),人民都愛(ài)在此廣場(chǎng)歡度除夕夜、圣誕節,或政治? ?威。



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