導讀:安溪旅游景點(diǎn)的英文介紹(安溪旅游景點(diǎn)的英文介紹詞) 用英語(yǔ)介紹泉州 安溪有什么好玩的地方? 安溪縣位置簡(jiǎn)單英文介紹 寫(xiě)一篇介紹景點(diǎn)的英語(yǔ)作文,80個(gè)單詞就可以了
Quanzhou, a prefecture-level city in the southeastern coast of Fujian Province, is called Quanzhou and Cyprinus carpio for short. Its nickname is Cyprinus carpio City and Ertong City. Fuzhou is in the north, Xiamen is in the south, and Taiwan Island is in the east. It has a subtropical oceanic monsoon climate with favorable climatic conditions.
It has jurisdiction over four districts of Licheng, Fengze, Luojiang and Quangang, three county-level cities of Jinjiang, Shishi and Nan'an, five counties of Huian, Anxi, Yongchun, Dehua, Jinmen, Quanzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and Quanzhou Taiwanese Business Investment Zone.
The land area is 11,115 square kilometers, with a permanent population of 8.7 million by the end of 2018. The main dialect is Minnan dialect, coexisting Puxian dialect, Hakka dialect and other dialects.
安平橋位于晉江安海鎮,享有“天下無(wú)橋長(cháng)此橋”之譽(yù)。為全國重點(diǎn)文物保護單位。安平橋位于中國福建省晉 江市安海鎮和南安市水頭鎮之間的海灣上。因安海鎮古稱(chēng)安平道,由此得名;又因橋長(cháng)約5華里,俗稱(chēng)五里橋。
安溪縣(拼音:an xi xian),英文簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)Ann Kway,An Xi。安溪縣位于福建省中部偏南,晉江西溪上游,北緯24°51′-25°26′,東經(jīng)117°34′-118°18′??偯娣e2983.1平方千米。全縣總人口1063720人(2003年末),其中非農業(yè)人口137838人。除官橋、湖上、劍斗、白瀨等少數畬族居民外,其余均為漢族,通閩南方言。 安溪是福建省泉州市轄縣,中國茶葉基地之一??h府駐鳳城鎮。五代南唐置清溪縣,宋改為安溪縣??h境位于戴云山脈東南坡。地形以湖頭—石坪為界,可分為:西部(內安溪)為戴云山脈的主體部分,地勢高峻;東部(外安溪)以低山、丘陵為主,并鑲嵌有若干向東南開(kāi)口的馬蹄形盆地。西溪自西北流向東南,在盆地內的沿溪兩岸,發(fā)育了一片沖積平原,為主要農耕地區。西部氣候屬中亞熱帶,東部屬南亞熱帶。糧食作物以水稻為主。安溪茶園面積約0.67萬(wàn)公頃,居全省各縣市首位。盛產(chǎn)烏龍茶,其珍品“鐵觀(guān)音”遠銷(xiāo)30多國家和地區。礦產(chǎn)資源較豐富,有煤、鐵、錳、鉛、鋅、石灰巖和石墨等。潘田鐵礦是全國重要的富礦。輕工業(yè)以制茶為主。交通運輸以公路為主,新建的漳(平)—泉(州)鐵路已通車(chē)到縣境劍斗??h人民政府駐鳳城鎮。全縣轄13個(gè)鎮、11個(gè)鄉:鳳城鎮、蓬萊鎮、湖頭鎮、官橋鎮、劍斗鎮、城廂鎮、金谷鎮、龍門(mén)鎮、虎邱鎮、蘆田鎮、感德鎮、魁斗鎮、西坪鎮、尚卿鄉、參內鄉、白瀨鄉、湖上鄉、大坪鄉、龍涓鄉、長(cháng)坑鄉、藍田鄉、祥華鄉、桃舟鄉、福田鄉。共有19個(gè)社區、3個(gè)居委會(huì )、435個(gè)行政村。 安溪地處戴云山脈東南坡,西北高、東南低。境內多山,海拔千米以上的山峰140座,大多分布在西北部,最高山峰太華尖海拔1600米。以五閬山、跌死虎山為界,西部稱(chēng)內安溪,東部稱(chēng)外安溪。外安溪地勢較低,平均海拔300—400米,以低山、丘陵串珠狀河谷盆地為主;內安溪地勢較為高峻,以山地為主。河流以晉江上游西溪(又名藍溪)為主,發(fā)源于桃舟、棠棣和永春一都,由此流向東南,經(jīng)南安匯入晉江,境內流程105千米,西部的福前、白荇溪和舉溪等,流程較短,自西北向西南注入九龍江。屬亞熱帶濕潤氣候區,外安溪夏季? ?且炎熱,冬季短而無(wú)嚴寒,年均氣溫19-20℃,年降雨量1600mm左右;內安溪年均氣溫16-18℃,年降雨量1800mm以上,無(wú)霜期約260天,秋冷較早,春來(lái)較遲。 旅游在安溪* 清水巖* 騎虎巖 * 小西天之稱(chēng)的洪恩巖 * 名茶鐵觀(guān)音探源地——西坪 * 驚險刺激,妙趣橫生的志閩生態(tài)旅游園 * 茶葉大觀(guān)園 * 開(kāi)先縣令詹敦仁紀念館 * 廖公祠 * 靈惠廟 * 城隍廟 * 東岳寺* 李光地故居 * 儒、道、釋三教合一的清風(fēng)洞 * 清溪八景之一的閬苑巖 * 閩南山區的朝圣地——太王陵、威鎮廟 * 名冠八閩的安溪文廟
Anxi, Quanzhou, Fujian, China=中國福建省泉州市安溪縣
Anxi is a county under the municipal region of Quanzhou city in Fujian Province. Though not as vibrant as cities like Xiamen and Fuzhou, it certainly has its own charm to attract local and foreign tourists especially overseas Chinese.
The nearest airports for international travelers to get into Anxi County is Gaoqi Airport located in Xiamen and Jinjiang Airport located in Quanzhou . The travel time is 2 hrs drive from Xiamen and just under 1 hr from Quanzhou. There is also a train service from Quanzhou East Railway station to Anxi railway station. There are many long distance buses plying between Anxi County and Xiamen/Quanzhou.
Many local city buses operate schedule services in and around the city. However, there are not many taxis on the road but there are plenty supply of motorbike taxis. Car rental in Anxi is cheap and you may want to consider hiring car with driver to move around which is the most convenient and fastest way to get around.
Qingshui Rock Temple is a Buddhist temple built on top of a cliff on Penglai Mountain in the Northwest of Anxi County. It has a history of more than 950 years. This temple is well preserved and look magnificently beautiful from the outside. There is a long path and many steps to climb before getting to the temple , so wearing a pair of good walking shoes will certainly help. (Admission : RMB-20)
Another well kept temple is the Confucius Temple which was founded in 1001. Here you get to see the art of work of ancient architecture as this temple was built in palace-style design. ( Admission is free.)
Located at the foot of Fengshan Scenic Area is another beautiful temple- The 'Chen-wan' temple (or Seng-Ong Temple). This temple was built in 956. (Admission: RMB-5)
Anxi County is famous for its tea productions and has gained the name -China Tea Capital. Tieguanyin-tea is one of the most famous Chinese tea around the world. This tea is produced in Anxi county. There are many tea factories or tea gardens for visitors to learn and appreciate tea culture.
來(lái)源: 維基旅游.
Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.
鼓浪嶼是廈門(mén)的一個(gè)小島。就像水上花園。汽車(chē)和公共汽車(chē)是不允許開(kāi)到那里的,這使得島上非常安靜,可以聽(tīng)到鋼琴和小提琴演奏的音樂(lè )。
Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.
Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.
Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits
這就是鼓浪嶼,一個(gè)美麗而誘人的島嶼,在這里,你會(huì )受到熱烈的歡迎。
adj. 風(fēng)景優(yōu)美的;舞臺的;戲劇的
n. 風(fēng)景勝地;風(fēng)景照片
This is an extremely scenic part of America.
n. 旅行者,觀(guān)光客
adj. 旅游的
vt. 在旅行參觀(guān)
vi. 旅游;觀(guān)光
adv. 坐旅游車(chē)廂;坐經(jīng)濟艙
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